Monthly Archives: March 2014

5 gifts for your boss you may have never considered before

“Your boss, like it or not, is one of the most influential people in your network, so start thinking differently about the contributions you can make. Help them and you’ll be helping yourself.” Good advice!

John Stepper

I love my bossA lot of the rhetoric about management, including my own, can come across as pitting us against them. But I’m actually a manager, too. And my boss has a boss. So who’s us and who’s them?

Okay, maybe your boss is a jerk. But it’s more likely they’re just a normal person in a role that’s conducive to jerk-y behavior. They probably have the same fears and anxieties you do. And they certainly share your same intrinsic needs for autonomy, purpose, and relatedness.

Working out loud can help them, too. So, for a change, here are 5 ways to frame working out loud as a contribution your boss will appreciate.

Make their team better

At work, we see how individuals who work out loud improve their entire team. One manager saw how  “working out loud makes it far easier for the team to see what everyone is working on…

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